Last week was a pretty eventful week. I think the most special thing that took place was that I started feeling the baby kicking. I had felt him move and wiggle around before; even push back when people were bothering him and pocking him. But last week, he most definitely started kicking at random times.
The first time it happened (I think it was Tuesday), I thought to myself: "Funny, I feel like my heart is throbbing in my lower belly. I hope the baby is ok." As it happened again shortly after, I started wondering why I had that throbbing feeling and then also wondered if I was suffering from a giant gas problem (I know, I know... :-) ). It took me about half a day to realize that I was doing completely fine and that I was actually being kicked from the inside. Since then, he has not really stopped kicking. Mostly in the mornings and afternoons, and once at night so far. Though it still does feel a little weird, I have to confess that I really enjoy the feeling so far. It is pretty amazing.
The other thing that happened last week is that I received the cloth diapers. I guess for most people there is nothing really exciting about this, but I must confess that it totally made my day. First of all, they are so very cute in all their different colors (I need to take a picture)! And, secondly, it just makes me happy that I took this decision and went ahead and ordered what we needed. Not a lot of people around me seem to be very supportive of my cloth-diapers choice. I've gotten some weird looks; some giggles; and some people who just said that I'll never hold on to it and will give up very quickly. I know it's going to be more work than disposable diapers; and I know it will be gross most of the time, and that it will require a good organization and some adjustements... But I'm ready for it. I do believe that cloth diapers are healthier for babies, and they are also less expensive (especially if you plan to have more than one baby). I guess I kind of look at it like I look at natural childbirth... It requires preparation; it may be time-consuming, and exhausting at times, but in the end, it is all worth it, both for the baby and us. And I am very thankful that one of my friends' sister has been using cloth diapers with her daughter who is now 18 months (she has been so very supportive and encouraging; and has given me LOTS of advice); and also that my mother-in-law (who will be helping me with the baby when I have to go back to work) supports that choice.
I think that's about all for last week. We have our monthly check-up on Thursday and I hope that everything will go well!
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