Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Story of the belly in pictures

I grew "a lot" rather quickly, but I think things have slowed down some now. It just felt like one day I could hide it, and the next day I could not anymore :) According to some, I am mostly growing sideways now... As I tell them, it's really hard for me to say anything about it because 1.I see myself everyday; 2. I can't really see my belly that well! All I know is that my toes are becoming harder and harder to find ;-)

2 weeks! (we had no idea he was in there :) )

9 week

13 weeks

13 weeks

18 weeks

Personal update

Well, I must confess that I have been very very quiet for the past months.... I guess being pregnant, overcoming the weariness of the first trimester while working full time and taking care of the husband and the house, and the holiday season have definitely been keeping me busy.
But time is flying by and I really want to get caught up, especially as I realized that we are already half way there! The baby was 20 weeks last week, which means "only" 20 more weeks to go. That's crazy!

As you may be able to tell from the "baby updates", our little boy is doing well. He is growing big and strong, and is staying (very) active in his mommy's belly. It's rare that people can actually feel him kick or push, but I can definitely feel him swimming around and poking (or punching, depending on the days) me. Actually, the first time he really punched back was on Christmas day. My husband was having fun pushing on my belly and suddenly *bang* the baby pushed him back! It was pretty amazing! He has also been pushing on the ultrasound machine when he is tired of being looked at :)
The afternoons/early evenings are definitely his favorite active times. That's usually when I can't move without feeling something going on in my belly. It is pretty entertaining, though a little exhausting at times. Though I don't want to complain, because I know it's a sign of a healthy baby!

Though I did not agree with everybody right away when entering my second trimester, I can now really adhere to calling the second trimester the "honeymoon phase." I don't fall asleep in the afternoons or real early in the evenings any more; and I do tend to recuperate from busy days/weeks or late nights a lot faster than I used to. This is definitely a nice feeling; especially as it gives me more energy to get the baby corner organized and work on different projects for the baby and around the house.
However, I do feel I'm getting "heavier"; and getting up or walking around is not always as easy as it used to be. I guess it is to be expected when you carry a balloon with you everywhere you go :)

I've also been preparing myself for the arrival of the baby. My husband and I have decided to go with a natural childbirth, so I have been reading up and doing some exercises. Even though we are not taking the classes, we (I :-)) have decided to follow the Bradley Method. I've already read the book once and am going through the textbook on my one and try to practice the different exercises every day (or almost). I've also started  prenatal yoga. I don't take a class but do it at home with a DVD I bought online. I really like that some of the exercises remind me of Bradley exercises, and it also relieve the tension from my back very nicely. I am never as relaxed as after finishing the yoga class! :)

The one disappointing aspect so far is that I have not had any crazy cravings. Which is suprising because I usually get a lot of those when not pregnant (maybe I'm just reversed :) ). There are things I wish I could eat, like sushi, fish sticks or a rare steak... and there are things I don't really want to see or eat - mostly some mushrooms so far, but no crazy food. Actually, I don't think I've ever eaten as healthy as I am eating now. Throughout the day, while at work, I snack on vegetables and fruits; I try to cook healthy and varied everyday (or every other day); and I don't eat too many sweets (some ice-cream and marshmellows when I can :) ). I guess that's why I have not been gaining any extra weight so far (which is actually a good thing and which probably makes my mom very happy too :) ).

The one thing I've been working on for the past couple of weeks was the baby registry. I decided to go with target, babies'r us and another place for cloth diapers items. And yes, this means I have decided to go with cloth diapers. A lot of people have been calling me crazy, but that's ok. I must confess I did not make that decision too much out of "green concern," but more because I think it's healthier for the baby and it will be cheaper for us too (especially as we are not planning on having only one baby). I am going with the Fuzzy Bunz ones and am very excited to order them soon! (I'm sure I'll be dedicating posts about them soon :) ). Appart from that, I don't think I've made any crazy choices. I'll be breast-feeding, so the feeding part on the registry is kept to a strick minimum. I'm still not a 100% sure about strollers, and keep going back and forth between a lightweight stroller and a travel system.... I wish we had a Babies'r us in town so I could go check out some of them. Hopefully target has the ones I'm interested in and I can go check them out. Oh! I'm also trying to go a lot with neutral colors, that way we will be able to reuse a lot with baby number 2 (whenever that will be :) ).
As far as the "nursery" is concerned, the baby will be sharing his dad's office. We have started cleaning out half of the room to make space for the baby. I don't want to pick any theme, but I'll decorate a little, change the blinds and maybe make some curtains. I also got something for the wall on etsy and I'm pretty excited about the purchase! I promise to take pictures as soon as things get organized! The fact that the space is limited made me double-think about what pieces of furniture are really necessary and what items are really needed. It was a little challenging at times, but I definitely think it's a good thing! :)
Kalen, my husband, has also been helping in preparing for the baby's arrival. In addition to cleaning his office (which was a major clean-up!), he also decided to move the kitties' litter box to the garage. The move required the addition of a cat-door to connect the house to the garage. I think the installation was pretty easy, but getting the cats to actually use the door was not that easy. After 3 days, I think they are finally starting to get used to it and actually go through it without our help... though they keep scratching their door for hours first, before finally realizing they can just "walk though"... I must confess, our cats may not be the brightest of the bunch, but they are definitely cute and awesome :) Now, I just hope they will get used to the baby easily. I'm pretty sure one of them will, but I don't quite know how the other will react (she tends not to be happy when we have visitors). But hopefully all will go well! :)

That's about all I can think of for now. Oh! Wait... Names! Well... we don't have a name for the baby yet. It is actually much harder than I thought it would be. And it's even harder to find one on which both my husband and I agree. But I'm still looking around and "submitting" ideas to my husband. We will see how that goes! :)

It's a boy, for sure! January 14, 2011

Well, we just had another doctor's appointment to check on the baby. Friday was the anatomy ultrasound, which means it was a more thorough ultrasound where the baby was measured and checked. We got to see a lots of details (his spine, his stomach, his brain, and even his nostrils :D); oh, and his gender has been confirmed - no doubt possible, it is a boy :) We also got to hear his heartbeat, which is still really good.
After measurements, it appears that the baby is the size of a 21-week baby, even though I am 20 weeks along :) So.... there is definitely no twins in there, it is just a "hefty" baby ;-) Kalen thinks that as the baby is growing faster, he will probably pop out before June 3rd... But sorry Nielen, I still think your birthday is a little too early on the calendar ;)
I have to confess that I did compare our son's leg to a chicken's leg; which made the doctor giggle quite a bit. 10 seconds later, the baby was kicking me; I don't think he really appreciated the comparison.

I've gained four pounds in four weeks, which is still good. And now I do weight as much as Kalen!!!! Ahah! It feels kind of weird though :P

We also were able to ask some questions to Dr. Price, which was really nice. And, as we have decided on going with a natural childbirth, she told us she would make sure to be the one to deliver our baby and find us a nurse who is supportive of natural childbirth. Yay! :-)

That's about all I can think of for now. Next appointment is in February. The baby will be 24 weeks by then, which apparently is a milestone because it means he can live/survive outside of my belly by that age. Of course, We are asking him to stay quite a bit longer in the warm of my belly; neither him or us are ready for his popping out! ;-)

It's a boy! December 14, 2010

We had a doctor appointment yesterday and got to see the baby again.

Following his daddy's example, the baby started by mooning us right away, which was actually a good thing because it enabled us (at least Kalen and Dr. Price - I had no idea what I was looking at ;-)) to know what "kind" the baby is... And yes, you all should know it by now... It's a boy!!!! John Wayne Emhof is going to be such a great kid! ;-) (Mom, don't worry, I'm kidding... it's not going to be the name of the baby).

Heart beat is still really good (and there is only one, promise); the baby is growing big and strong; we could see his little fingers (the one thing I was actually able to figure out on the screen); and he has grown quite a bit! (if you have seen my belly lately, I'm sure you had guessed that beforehand).

The mommy (if anybody is interested in that part :P) is doing well too. I'm having my 16th week blood work next Monday, but so far everything is looking good. I have gained.... *drumrolls*... 15 pounds!!!! And if anybody wonders, it is apparently totally normal :D The nurse was actually really happy with me and said that at that point I am supposed to gain one pound a week, which is exactly what I have been gaining! (By the way, I was considering fasting some this week, so I won't gain my weekly pound, but then I have two pounds to gain for Christmas... Brilliant, isn't it?!). Oh. And 15 pounds equals 6.8 kilos, if anybody is wondering! The nurse would not write me a note to talk about how good I've been about my weight... sorry, I tried! :)

The daddy is doing good too! Though he is so far not embracing all of mine (and Melissa's) brilliant ideas for names... I have a feeling this is going to be a long process! The good news is that Kalen still weights more than me (yes, he has gained some sympathy pounds!!!!); if I keep stuffing him, maybe we can keep this 5-pound difference going on for a while (I'm counting on everybody's contribution to stuff him over the holidays. Thanks. I appreciate your help!). :D

Next appointment is January 14th. It will be our next check-up, but also the anatomy ultra sound when they are going to thoroughly check the baby (take measurements, count the numbers of toes and fingers, double check it's a boy, etc.).

Baby Update - November 17, 2010

On Tuesday, we went to our second appointment with Dr. Price! After letting me know that all my blood-work and exams from our previous appointment were all good, she went on to try to listen to the baby's heart beat. However, it appears that Little Tipsy likes to hide and would not let her catch its heart beat right away. So after trying for a little bit, Dr. Price decided to do another ultra sound to figure out where the baby was hiding! 
It has grown so big since last time! We could see its arms and legs, its heart-beat and even its brain! That was pretty amazing. Also, we got to hear the heart beating for a few seconds and that was quite the experience too! 
I guess it was to be expected when you have one Kalen and one Valumz having a baby... but I must say this little one cannot stay still for one second! It kept moving around, waving, turning upside down and all. It just made me laugh so hard that Dr. Price had some troubles getting good pictures (between me laughing and the baby wiggling around ;-)).
Also, Dr. Price said that considering the excellent heart-beat, it was now safe to tell people about the baby :) So feel free to share the news with friends, family, or anybody else you want to share the news with! :) 

Our next appointment will be in December! And, if all goes well, that's when we should figure out the baby's gender! :) 


Baby update 1 - October 19 2010

Here is an update from our first doctor appointment. I know I am REALLY behind with posting... so this is my way of catching up on those past months/weeks!

First of all, we love our doctor! I think I can speak for both my husband and I and say that we really liked her! This is definitely going to help.
So far, I seem to be very healthy, and the baby is looking good too! We got to see it on the ultra-sound and that was pretty amazing. (Kalen had to help me figure out what was what, but after a little bit it all became clearer ;-)). We saw the heart-beat and Dr. Price said that the baby's heart-beat was really really good. (can I just mention that seeing the heart beat was pretty amazing....).
The baby seems to enjoy moving around... I have no idea where it got that from - obviously not from its mom :D
After measurements, it appears that the baby is actually 7 weeks and 4 or 6 days (and not 9 weeks, like the nurse had initially told me). Therefore (I am so sorry Nielen!), the baby will be born somewhere around June 4- June 6 (I'm sure we will get a more definite due date when the baby is bigger). So the due date is actually closer to my dad's birthday! ;-)
Our next appointment is November 16th. We will be keeping you all updated, promise!