Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's a boy, for sure! January 14, 2011

Well, we just had another doctor's appointment to check on the baby. Friday was the anatomy ultrasound, which means it was a more thorough ultrasound where the baby was measured and checked. We got to see a lots of details (his spine, his stomach, his brain, and even his nostrils :D); oh, and his gender has been confirmed - no doubt possible, it is a boy :) We also got to hear his heartbeat, which is still really good.
After measurements, it appears that the baby is the size of a 21-week baby, even though I am 20 weeks along :) So.... there is definitely no twins in there, it is just a "hefty" baby ;-) Kalen thinks that as the baby is growing faster, he will probably pop out before June 3rd... But sorry Nielen, I still think your birthday is a little too early on the calendar ;)
I have to confess that I did compare our son's leg to a chicken's leg; which made the doctor giggle quite a bit. 10 seconds later, the baby was kicking me; I don't think he really appreciated the comparison.

I've gained four pounds in four weeks, which is still good. And now I do weight as much as Kalen!!!! Ahah! It feels kind of weird though :P

We also were able to ask some questions to Dr. Price, which was really nice. And, as we have decided on going with a natural childbirth, she told us she would make sure to be the one to deliver our baby and find us a nurse who is supportive of natural childbirth. Yay! :-)

That's about all I can think of for now. Next appointment is in February. The baby will be 24 weeks by then, which apparently is a milestone because it means he can live/survive outside of my belly by that age. Of course, We are asking him to stay quite a bit longer in the warm of my belly; neither him or us are ready for his popping out! ;-)

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